Worms Wiki
Worms Wiki

SuperSonicFan60 SuperSonicFan60 17 April 2023

Good lord it's been a while

Hey peeps (If there's still any left by now), I was just looking through some pages on here when I figured I'd log in and check out my profile after all these years of leaving it to rot and catch dust. I'm mainly making this blog post to say that my "fanfiction", Britain's Best's Tales of Triumph, is cancelled. Y'know, in case the 7 or so years of inactivity hinted you in or anything lol.

I kinda just felt bad about leaving it at just the prologue when I promised at the time to update it with new chapters on a regular basis (at least i think that's what i must've said), and figured i'd finish my unfinished business by giving some closure. I know it might sound kinda silly, but it felt like one of those things that sits in the back of your m…

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Atari st Favorites Atari st Favorites 15 November 2020

Worms Armageddon Strategy

Here's is a list of strategies that you can use in Worms Armageddon.

  • In worms armageddon there are so many situations that you can find yourself in. If you can conquer the different situations you will be the champion in worms armageddon. Know your weapons and tools, this might be an obvious one but there are a lot of weapons and some weapons that can backfire like a wrongly released sheep or a skunk that comes back to poison your own worms can be a nightmare.  
  • You will probably be using a lot of ninja ropes. This is one tool I would probably focus on as this is the tool that can get you around the landscape and beyond.  Watch your time before you use a ninja rope as you want to have enough time to get from point A to point B.  
  • Know what sp…
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Yanntastic Yanntastic 7 November 2019

Worms W.M.D at the home page!

As you all can see, Worms Battlegrounds is still listed at "the latest Worms game" in on the home page! Somebody has to fix this! And it seems like normal members of the Wiki aren't able to change that, at least I aren't.

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RMaster007 RMaster007 3 August 2018

About the craftable weapons in WMD...

Should we put them with their base weapons (example would be Bazooka Pie on the Bazooka page), or make one page for all of them?

I noticed that much of the craftable weapons have pages consisting of poor grammer and are also prety much unnecessary.

All opinions welcome in the comments section.

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HarmonyBunny HarmonyBunny 7 February 2019

Nobody's active, it seems...

At least I was able to help out the wiki by editting/creating pages to make the wiki itself more lively. But I'm curious... Am I the only active user here?

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SuperSonicFan60 SuperSonicFan60 16 September 2016

Front Page Update

Hey guys, since Worms W.M.D released a few months ago, shouldn't we update the front page to include info about W.M.D like we did with Battlegrounds?

If there's anybody out there who is willing to do such a thing, thank you. I believe that by the end of this year, we should have the front page updated with W.M.D info like we did with Battlegrounds. Thank you for reading this blog post and I'll see you all soon.

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Ezioprez9709 Ezioprez9709 6 September 2016


Well, this is new.

I've been away from this wiki for almost a year, which is way too long. The reason? I simply lost interest due to low inactivity, but turns out I made things worse by leaving in the first place. To put things bluntly, I'll be back here and editing regularly since I haven't contributed in so long, and I'd like to see this place come alive again. I'd love to see the activity grow, but that won't be easy. Anyway, hopefully this explains things to anyone who was wondering. So, with that said, I'll be staying for quite some time. It's good to be back.

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Nadiya2000 Nadiya2000 30 June 2016

Meet two of my mascots teams

Hey guys, Meet two of my mascots teams. They're Wormies and Wormers:

  • Wormies: Rosie, Bumper, Troy, Ozzy, Hot Dog, Hannibal, Scratchy and Mouldy.

They are voiced by Worms 3D Classic.

  • Wormers: Skinner, Creosote, Dave, Wallace, Buddy, Sven, Rick and Porthos.

They are voiced by Worms Armageddon English.

And They're going to be included in my official 6 players battle in Worms W.M.D if those are Custom speechbanks editor added.

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SuperSonicFan60 SuperSonicFan60 14 February 2016

Britain's Best's Tales of Triumph: Worms: Ultimate Mayhem Part 1: The Journey Through Space and Time Chapter 0: Prolouge

Greetings, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, vertebraes and invertebrates alike! Welcome to my new story based off of my real team of worms in the real Worms games I play (more or less) such as Worms: Ultimate Mayhem, Worms Battlegrounds and Worms W.M.D. This team goes by the name of Britain's Best; I don't know why, it just sounded good; better than Britain's Got Worms, that's for sure. But enough dilly dallying, sit back, grab some popcorn, maybe a drink and enjoy the quirky antics and acts that Britain's Best get up to.

Act 1: Worminkle University

Four young worms, Conerth, Sir Niflington II aka Nifle, Shanerfine and Wentworth are riding the fastest train service in the country, Homing Pigeon Railways to their next stop, Worminkle Uni…

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SuperSonicFan60 SuperSonicFan60 3 January 2016

Britains Best Teammates- Nifle

The second teammate of Britains Best is Nifle (pronounced Ny-full), or if you want to be more formal, Sir Niflington II. He's the small fry and too young to go to Worminkle University, and you maybe asking; " How did he get in?!" Well to join in, you have to prove yourself with a test of skills. He was good enough to get in, thus joining Britains Best later along the line.

His brother, Sir Nifelington I is being held up for hostage by an evil gang called "The Eyes of the Skies" who are a group of birds consisting of pigeons, parrots, owls, blue macaws and their leader, Albert the Ablatross. Nifle I was on a mission to retrieve weapons stolen by previously mentioned gang of feathered fiends when suddenly, they caught Nifle I in the act and t…

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SuperSonicFan60 SuperSonicFan60 27 December 2015

New Worms Fan Fiction Announcement

Hello, people of Worms Wiki! (If there are any.) I have an announcement to make. I am publishing a new Fan fiction based on my real team in the Worms games I play and it's called 'Britain's Best's Tales of Triumph: Worms: Ultimate Mayhem: Part 1: The Journey through Time and Space'. I will reveal more in an hour or two.


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700757 700757 12 December 2015

What happened to my account??

Hey... CoOkIe1164/Coolcam6578 here. Why did my account get disabled across wikia??


700757 (talk) 02:35, December 12, 2015 (UTC)

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SuperSonicFan60 SuperSonicFan60 15 November 2015

The best Worms game EVER

Ok guys, I've thought of a couple of ideas for the best Worms game ever! But first, I want to hear your ideas; so please, if you want leave an idea here and I might just say what I think of said idea. So start brainstorming!


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~Boggy B~ ~Boggy B~ 7 October 2015

Dead Wiki

The inactivity here is a really bad sign.

I thought I was currently the most active user here, but even I haven't edited for months (summer vacation ended, so, yeah).

I don't know when—maybe it'll be during winter break—but I can promise that someday, I'll make the edits required to qualify this wiki for a promotion, it seriously needs more users. I don't want our community to die out, especially since the Worms community itself is slowly dying out as well.

Then again, admittedly, I'm starting to lose interest in Worms. I've last played a Worms game in, like, early August (that's mostly due to my broken computer, but even then, I wouldn't have played Worms all that often if my main laptop's screen didn't get damaged, since I'm not all that interest…

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Revvie Revvie 11 December 2017

Happy 5th Anniversary, Worms Wiki!

Today might not be the exact date Worms Wiki was found (it was March 16), but it was on this day, 5 years ago, that Worms Wiki was brought back to life after Koenachtig attained bureaucrat rights from the wikia staff. Feel free to lash out on me for calling this our anniversary, but I do feel calling this day the wiki's birthday is more appropriate since it was since then the wiki really got going.

So without further ado, happy 5th anniversary Worms Wiki! It's been a wild ride, there were ups and downs, but things turned out pretty good in the end (now). Here's to another great 5 years.

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CoOkIe1164 CoOkIe1164 16 August 2015

Some updates in terms of Worm things...and some thoughts about Worms game mechanics.

First things first: I just started school last week. (Even though it is past midnight right now lol)...that's the bad news.

BUT... the good news is that I have Worms Armageddon now for Steam! :D 

Anyways... I also wanted to take this blog post as an opportunity to discuss your own things about Worms...

examples: Why does (said thing) happen in (said game...s)?

I think there should be (your thought here).

...And so on. :)  I also have things to say myself about it! 

   Why is Worms 3 so... easy... to become the online champion IN THE WORLD, whereas in Worms Armageddon and  other non-mobile Worms' games I SUCK compared to everyone else?

CoOkIe1164 (talk) 04:24, August 16, 2015 (UTC)

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~Boggy B~ ~Boggy B~ 21 July 2015

COPPA Enforcement

I'm aware that not many underage users come on here, but, regardless, I believe it is imperative to enforce COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act) on this wiki.

Anyone who does not concur may share their opinions on why this isn't necessary. Otherwise, if a consensus is formed, I'll include rules in regards to COPPA on the soon-to-be-created User Guidelines.

There are more upsides than downsides to doing this, if you ask me.

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Ezioprez9709 Ezioprez9709 14 June 2015


There appears to be some issues with our wiki. Nothing is broken, nothing needs any repairs or anything like that. The problem is, there isn't a whole lot of variety on the main page. Sure, it isn't the main attraction of the wiki, but restoring it could bring more people in.

New polls would be a nice change, as well as more 'featured articles.' I would also like to see a more active chat (again, not the main focus, but it's good to see some dedication).

I'll be uploading some pictures to articles if I can find any good ones. None of them will be mine, sadly.

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~Boggy B~ ~Boggy B~ 12 June 2015


I apologize for all this sporadic and unexplained inactivity on the wiki. Even though it's summer vacation for me now, I'm not free at all—I have a shitload of things to get done on my to-do list... which is torturous for me to look at due to its length.

Don't demote me just yet, though. I will be active on the wiki once more, more than ever, and I'll once again try working my way up to bureaucrat. (Not implying that I'm power hungry or anything.) However, I'm not sure about how long all this would take. At least, it could be a week, and at most, a month or more (approximately). I'll make edits here occasionally, but nothing major.

If you'd like to contact me, do so on YouTube, since I'd respond in a more timely manner there. Just search "Bo…

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Koenachtig Koenachtig 11 June 2015

Worms World Party Remastered Announced

Hold onto your horses now, because in less than a month, you will be able to play a new version of Worms World Party!

Team17 just announced their latest Worms game, which is Worms World Party Remastered.

Did you ever think to see the Aqua Sheep ever again? Well, now you will!

This game will feature the classic gameplay of Worms World Party, with new High Definition screen resolutions, enhanced sound effects, controller support and full Steam integration (Cloud saved, leaderboard and achievements). It's due to release on the 8th of July.

The game will cost £11, $15 or €13 depending on your region. Check out the trailer below, and get ready for worldwide party!


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Ezioprez9709 Ezioprez9709 10 June 2015


It's a shame to see barely anybody doing any editing on this Wiki. It's like some people join for nothing. That's not what joining is all about. It's about getting involved and making sure that people get the most out of the information that we provide for them.

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~Boggy B~ ~Boggy B~ 29 April 2015

Wiki Logo

Now that we've finally changed the wiki's skin colors, let's vote on another thing, before we begin working on the chat some more.

As you can see, the logo has changed again. This is Version 4 of the logo, which is the final version for now. However, Koenachtig has created his own version of the logo, which can be seen here. Which logo should we use for the wiki? Koenachtig's, or mine? I vote for my version, since it does rather suit my tastes.

I'm keeping V.4 as the wiki's logo until the voting is complete.

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Ezioprez9709 Ezioprez9709 25 April 2015

Inactivity across Wikis

Now that I have joined other Wikis, I have officially expanded my account. If you're not active, I strongly suggest that you do the same! Don't just take up space on Wikis, be a part of them, and make them a better, safer, more educational place for everyone including fans and newcomers alike. I cannot stress this enough. The amount of inactive users on Wikis is shockingly bad, and yes it's not exactly their fault, soemthing serious might of happened, but for those who have no excuse, please come back and edit.

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Ezioprez9709 Ezioprez9709 23 April 2015

Jumbled up

Alright, this isn't a really big issue so ignore it if you don't have the time, but just to get it out there, yes, all of the missions I have posted for Worms 3D are not in order. That's because I didn't have time, plus it's interesting to do things differently.

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Ezioprez9709 Ezioprez9709 23 April 2015

Hard work

Now that I've been working hard for the past few days, I'm really enjoying the work. For inactive members or people that simply don't want to edit, please do. It might seem a bit boring at first, but trust me it isn't. It's great fun, and it's also very rewarding. It makes you want to come back time and time again.

I've been adding pages of missions in Worms 3D since I signed up. I've got the information, but I just need the photos to go with it, if any one could help, that would be great.

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Ezioprez9709 Ezioprez9709 15 April 2015

New beginnings

First day on the Wiki, things are looking up!

Can't wait for all the cool stuff.

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~Boggy B~ ~Boggy B~ 4 April 2015


So far the chat is pretty much "default", with no changes made whatsoever. The wiki logo in the chat needs some fixing (it looks a bit messed up), the user group icons need some changing, the chat announcements (for when a user joins/leaves the chat, gets kicked/banned, or receives chat moderator rights) need customizing, and if it's possible, I'd also like to have those tildes removed for said chat announcements (the tildes aren't really appealing to me). The colors also don't look too good. I mean, the black is fine, while the brown looks hideous. Also, I seriously doubt that anyone even uses the chat nowadays, but hey, the wiki might get popular someday. Anyway...

  • About the wiki logo looking "messed up" in the chat, it just looks too sma…
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Koenachtig Koenachtig 3 April 2015

Project Manual of Style

Heya all,

I've set up a new project to implement the Manual of Style.

Check it out here: Worms_Wiki:Project_Manual_of_Style


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Revvie Revvie 11 December 2017


Some of you may have noticed that I've been missing from the wiki these last few days. I've already explained my reasoning to Boggy B via steam, but I thought I'd make a blog post so that everyone gets the information. The reason I'm inactive is that exams are drawing near for me, and these exams would probably be the biggest in my life since it decides whether I go to university or not. There are 3 different series of exams in total, 2 of which are being held next month. I've decided to get serious about my studies, so as to prevent any distractions, I won't be going anywhere near the internet for the whole of this month (and maybe the next too). This of course means that I won't be active on the wiki for said period of time, so I apologi…

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Koenachtig Koenachtig 9 March 2015

The Worms Wiki Color Palette

Boggy B recently mentioned he didn't really like the new brown color palette of this wiki. This made me do some research on color psychology, and I'd like to talk to you about that, and about possible new skins for this wiki. This blog post offers some information on color psychology including examples of other websited using this pinciple. If you're not interested, you can skip to the end of the blog post, I've placed a short summary of this blog post and of possible skins for this wiki there.

  • 1 Color psychology
  • 2 Color psychology on websites
  • 3 The Worms Wiki
  • 4 Conclusion

Could a certain color create a certain mood? Is it wise for webshops to make their 'buy'-button a certain color, so people are more likely to click it? Could the color of streetl…

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Koenachtig Koenachtig 4 March 2015

Worms Clan Wars on Linux and 75% on Steam

For those of you who do not own Worms Clan Wars yet, this is the time!

It's recently been released on Linux, and to celebrate that, it's 75% off on Steam this week (until 9th of March).

So go get it!


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PartHunter PartHunter 2 March 2015

I'm sick

I am ill, and have been suffering from both vomiting and a fever. Because of this, I may be forced to temporarily abandon Worms Wiki. I will return once I recover.

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~Boggy B~ ~Boggy B~ 2 March 2015

New Background

Well, here it is, the new wiki background I've made, and though I like how the image itself turned out, I dislike the results of making it the background.

I'll mostly have to blame the unnecessary image size limitations (300 kilobytes) implemented by Wikia, I mean, the original image was much larger, until I had to reduce its size using GIMP 2.8, and this is what came out. The image itself is far too small, but I tried to make it as large as I could to fit in with Wikia's restrictions. What I wanted was to make it a fixed, non-tiled image that fills the entire background, but nope. How did the previous background image fill the entire background without the need to make it tiled?

More importantly, I'll have to say that even though the radioa…

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CoOkIe1164 CoOkIe1164 25 February 2015

I have Diabetes...

Apparently I have Type I Diabetes now. I won't be on-even more (less, or however you want to put it) than before.

Just to let you guys know....

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Danuhau Danuhau 25 February 2015


Excuse my absence, I have been very busy in school lately! Thank you all for taking care of this wiki as happily as I did when I was here all alone. I am happy that we have a stronger and more solid staff team here! I like the new design on the wiki, it is really refreshing! Changes are good now and then.

Regards, Daniel

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Koenachtig Koenachtig 17 February 2015

The new skin

Heya people,

As of right now, we are busy working on a new skin for the Worms Wiki. The goal is to create something that fitst the latest big release, which in this case is Worms Battlegrounds (or Worms Clan Wars, for that matter). As inspiration, we used www.wormsbattlegrounds.com . As of the moment I am writing this, there are things which are not optimal yet, like the main page and the infoboxes. No worries, we're working on it.

If you see anything which doesn't fit the new skin, please mention it below. Opinions, suggestions and subjections to the Worm Lord can be posted below!

Cheers, Koenachtig (talk) 12:19, February 17, 2015 (UTC)

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CoOkIe1164 CoOkIe1164 17 February 2015

Could the Admins reply back please?

Could you guys look here again and reply back...?


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CoOkIe1164 CoOkIe1164 2 February 2015

Home Page needs revamping; some broken links/empty pages

Administrators need to consider this please! (The title says it all.)

Have you seen what the FNaF Wiki has done with the cursor?!  We need to make major renovations just like this to the wiki!!

Lets make this wiki just as good as anothers, because who wants to look at some old wikia about a game like this? When we get it done, we will make it better no, way better than it is! 

Example: The featured images link is pretty much blank and useless. 

CoOkIe1164 (talk) 01:30, February 2, 2015 (UTC)

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Koenachtig Koenachtig 20 January 2015

Manual of Style

Heya there,

I've just made the following article: Manual of Style.

It is not done yet, but we need your help. We'd love it if everyone would read through it and comment on the talk page of the article.

Also feel free to add to it, because, as you can see, it is clearly not done yet.

As an extra bonus, there will be 'a unique user-page badge' (not an achievement) for contributing to this project. Who doesn't want that, right?

Thanks in advance!

Koenachtig (talk) 14:27, January 20, 2015 (UTC)

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~Boggy B~ ~Boggy B~ 17 January 2015

User Tags

These "special tags" need to go. They serve no function or use, other than to be used as a boasting tool for a user regarding something they've accomplished, or something they're good at doing on the wiki (which I find unprofessional), ergo I believe these tags aren't used for a good purpose.

Here are the current tags...

  • "BAZOOKA BLASTER" - Danuhau
  • "TECH SUPPORT" - Oscuritaforze
  • "CATEGORIZOR" - PartHunter
  • "CONTINUOUS CONTRIBUTOR" - Q* (Since Q* was blocked and demoted, he no longer possesses this user tag.)

I have no idea why Danuhau has a "BAZOOKA BLASTER" tag. At least the other tags make sense to me.

Besides, this is unfair since these are apparently the only users who possess a user tag, there are several other users, including me, Koenachtig…

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LS11sVaultBoy LS11sVaultBoy 14 January 2015


Just wondering if anyone has Xbox One and Worms Battlegrounds? If so, I'd happily have a game of multiplayer with you. :D

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Danuhau Danuhau 11 January 2015

Busier than usual

Hello everybody! I am thrilled to see that this wiki is once again busy with contributors, something I have been missing. I used to be the only admin around, and there were only a few contributors stopping by. Now, I have Koen by my side, and hopefully Orangitu will return as well. A couple of new contributors have arrived, and they are really making an effort for the community! I see a bright future for this wiki :)

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Danuhau Danuhau 4 January 2015

Admin requirement tips

Hello there, fellow contributor! Are you interested in achieving admin rights? Here are some tips; It would be helpful if you have:

  • Good language skills (grammar, choice of words)
  • Knowledge about worms (obviously)
  • Responsibility and good faith use of special rights
  • Contributed a lot to the wiki
  • Knowledge about wikia tools
  • Knowledge about using the special tab to conduct edits wherever needed

These are not criterias, but they do play a role when it comes to staff decisions. Good luck with your application! :) 

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CoOkIe1164 CoOkIe1164 3 January 2015

I'm here to help!

`Nuff said.

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Danuhau Danuhau 2 January 2015

Slow server

I am starting to suspect that the Wikia Server is having some serious issues these days, as my editing and exploration of this wiki has been remotely slow compared to before. Some mistakes concerning complex codes and other instances with wikia tools may occur, but do not let it stop your effort! You should not be afraid of conducting mistakes, because I am here to restore the wiki if anything crashes :) 

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Danuhau Danuhau 4 December 2014


I hate that this argument goes on forever, I just wish it was over. But I gotta face my accusations, and defend my innocence. I have contacted Wikia Staff, hoping that they will talk to me before they decide on demoting me or not. And I am glad that I have at least one user here on Worms Wiki who believes me, but I'm sorry to drag him into this mess. I do not know what I am going to do after this, It depends on the outcome. If I am allowed to stay here, I will work towards my next goals: Reaching 2 000 edits, and reqruiting new staff members. I am insecure if Orangitu will stick around then, because of our dispute. Anyway, I want to be forthcoming to solve this, and restore his trust. 

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Danuhau Danuhau 30 November 2014

My title

I do not know what I can do to to prove my innocence. I did understand what Q* did to find the IP match, and I handled the situation the best I could. Just look at how I replied to him on my own wall, and what I wrote on TTTEUK's wall (no, it is not my second account...) I also wrote a blog and I wrote on Orangitu's wall on Community Central. Do you seriously think I would do all this for nothing, to block PartHunter and my own half-sister (which you think is a sock puppet)? Did you guys even see what I replied after Q* had corrected that mischevious attack made by my friends? I do not want to harm this wiki. In fact, I do my best to resurrect it and make it crowded again. But some people are determined to stand in my way. I trusted Q*, I …

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Revvie Revvie 11 December 2017

Worms Steam Sale

In case any of you are interested, steam is having a massive sale on worms (and most other games) until tomorrow (Dec. 2 in my local time). If you do not yet have any steam-enabled worms game copy, and are willing to buy some, I suggest you buy the Worms Collection bundle, which costs a mere 11 USD. It includes:

  • Worms (1995)
  • Worms Armageddon
  • Worms Blast
  • Worms Pinball
  • Worms: Ultimate Mayhem
  • Worms: Reloaded + DLC
  • Worms Crazy Golf
  • Worms Revolution + DLC
  • Worms Clan Wars

Of course, you can also buy individual items if you're not willing to purchase the whole series. Most of them also got a rather large discount. Happy shopping.

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Danuhau Danuhau 29 November 2014

Q*s demotion

Today when I entered this wiki, I was shocked when I found out that Q* had blocked me. He thought that I had a sockpuppet account, which I don't. (It means that a user has multiple accounts.) It was actually a relative of mine, so I understand why he did it. He based his accusations off of IPs. But he did not confront me, did not give me a reason to explain myself. To prevent this from happening again, I am sad to inform you that I had to block him once more. He was a good contributor, but he could not interract with the other staff members, which is me and Orangitu. Therefore, he is no longer a part of our staff team.

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Danuhau Danuhau 27 November 2014

Article stubs

After a long day of school, I come home to find that there are too many pages labeled with the category "Article stubs". I recommend you to use this category only on the shortest pages, and not on every page available. It would definately make my job easier!

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