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Worms Wiki

This page is about the weapon. For the character, see Boggy B (character).

Boggy B is a weapon in the fourth generation of Worms games, first appearing in Worms Revolution.


Using this weapon summons a helicopter in front of the screen with Boggy B hanging from it while holding a Grenade. A swiveling cursor will appear which the player should use to choose the location on which the Grenade should be used. Once the location has been confirmed, Boggy B will throw his Grenade there, after which it explodes on impact dealing a maximum of 30 HP.

Although this weapon is quite weak, it is considered a superweapon due to its' ability to hit any worm on the map.

Tips and Tricks[]

  • This weapon can be useful in attacking darksiders if a Bunker Buster or Concrete Donkey isn't available, despite the low damage output.
  • One of the best opportunities to use this weapon is when the targeted worm is next to an Oil Drum or Crate, since the explosion from the nearby object can deal extra damage.
  • Since this weapon does low damage, it's best to use this on a worm with low health.


  • Oddly enough, the Grenade thrown by this weapon does 30 points of damage, whereas the regular Grenade does 45 points.
    • In addition, it is the weakest superweapon in the series.
  • This is one of the only two weapons where a worm other than one of the worms on the player's team attacks. The other is the Air Strike in certain mobile games, which has a visible worm fly the plane.
Worms Revolution Weapons
Revolution Bazooka Revolution Grenade Revolution ClusterBomb Revolution PetrolBomb Revolution WaterBomb Revolution HomingMissile Revolution BananaBomb Revolution JetPack Revolution NinjaRope Revolution Parachute Revolution Teleport
Revolution FirePunch Revolution DragonBall Revolution BaseballBat Revolution Prod Revolution Kamikaze Revolution Mine Revolution Dynamite Revolution BlowTorch Revolution PneumaticDrill Revolution Girder Revolution Wrench
Revolution Shotgun Revolution Uzi Revolution FlameThrower Revolution PoisonGun Revolution WaterPistol Revolution SentryGun Revolution HolyHandGrenade Revolution Telekinesis Revolution Ufo Revolution Electromagnet Revolution LightningStrike
Revolution AirStrike Revolution NapalmStrike Revolution BunkerBuster Revolution WaterStrike Revolution CrateStrike Revolution BoggyB Revolution Armageddon Revolution PlugHole Revolution TeleShield Revolution Knockout Revolution StickUp
Revolution Sheep Revolution Mole Revolution Skunk Revolution OldLady Revolution SuperSheep Revolution BuffaloOfLies Revolution ConcreteDonkey Revolution TeleSwap Revolution WormSelect Revolution SkipGo Revolution Surrender
Fourth Generation Weapons

Boggy BCrate StrikeKnock-OutTelekinesisTeleshieldTeleswapUFOWater Bomb
Water PistolWater PlugWater Strike

Clan Wars/Battlegrounds
Aqua PackEqualiserGravediggerMega MortarOxygenTeleport GunWhoopsie Cushion
Winged Monkey
