From left to right: Scientist, Soldier, Scout, and Heavy.
Classes were first introduced in Worms Revolution. Each Worm class has strengths and weaknesses as well as differently-pitched voices. Players can mix and match them in any order. They later reappear in Worms 3, Worms Clan Wars, and Worms Battlegrounds.
In Worms Revolution teams must purchase Worms of the correct class in the team creation menu using points earned in the campaign mode, and automatically start with a full team of Soldiers for teams. Worms Clan Wars and Worms Battlegrounds have a different system where Worm classes are selected in the match configuration and not the team creation menu. In these games, the default team configuration is Soldier, Scout, Heavy, and Scientist, in the order from first Worm to last.
In Worms Clan Wars, the classes have been rebalanced to further differentiate the classes with new functions, and to reduce the ability to use the Scientist's healing capabilities while hiding as a darksider. These features are also included in Worms Battlegrounds, being a port of the former game.
In Worms Clan Wars and Worms Battlegrounds an icon showing the Worm's class is shown next to the energy indicator.

The Soldier
- The Soldier is a regular, balanced Worm with no major strengths or weaknesses.
- In Worms Clan Wars and Worms Battlegrounds they can manually detonate Grenades and other timed weapons.
- Their voices aren't modified in pitch like the other classes are.

The Heavy
- The Heavy is a large and bulky Worm.
- They move very slow and cannot jump very far, and can take damage from short falls. Another drawback is when using the Jet Pack it moves slowly and runs out of fuel very fast.
- The Heavy is much more powerful than the Soldier, can fling Worms great distances when using a Baseball Bat or Fire Punch, and cannot easily be launched into the air from weapons.
- In Worms Clan Wars and Worms Battlegrounds their death explosions cause massive, possibly fatal damage, and are huge compared to the other Worm's explosions. Their weapon explosions are also larger than normal.
- Heavies have a low-pitched voice.

The Scout
- The Scout is a small Worm.
- Scouts can move faster, jump further, fly great distances with the Jet Pack (along with extra fuel) and fall down large gaps without trouble. However, because of their size they are easily flung when hit with weapons, which is why caution is advised when near the water or other hazards.
- They are also the weakest class, causing less damage with any weapon they use, for example, their Shotguns do 20 damage instead of 25.
- A unique ability is that when using a Blow Torch, Scouts can create a hole where other Worms can't fit through.
- In Worms Clan Wars and Worms Battlegrounds, Scouts can see the contents of nearby Crates at the start of their turn (similar to the Crate Spy utility from older games in the series) and can walk over Mines without triggering them.
- Scouts have a very high-pitched voice.

The Scientist
- The Scientist is a thin Worm with a big brain.
- They have the same movement as Soldiers.
- However, Scientists will do less damage when using any weapon, albeit more damage than a Scout.
- Their ability is granting all Worms on their team 5 extra health points each turn while alive. From Worms Clan Wars onwards, the Scientist will only heal friendly Worms when near them. They can also cure poison to their teammates or themselves.
- Also, when a Scientist uses a Lightning Strike, it resurrects dead (not drowned) Worms with 50 HP, as opposed to 30 HP.
- Scientists can also use improved versions of Electromagnets, Sentry Guns, and Girders that last longer and can withstand more damage.
- Scientists have a slightly high-pitched voice.
Worms Clan Wars Battlegrounds The Soldier
Video on the Soldier
Worms Clan Wars Battlegrounds The Heavy
Video on the Heavy
Worms Clan Wars Battlegrounds The Scientist
Video on the Scientist
Worms Clan Wars Battlegrounds The Scout
Video on the Scout