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The Electromagnet is a very useful utility and made its first appearance in Worms Open Warfare 2. Electromagnets influence metal-based objects, such as Mines. Sitting close to a repelling Electromagnet may protect a Worm from being hit by stray Mines, while setting an attracting Electromagnet near enemy Worms increases the chances of them being hit. After a few turns or when affected by an E.M.P. Grenade, it loses its charge and become useless. However, it can be reactivated using Lightning Strike. If an Electromagnet is hit by any weapon twice, it will be destroyed. The Electromagnet has about 50 health. The first time a weapon hits it, it will become rusty (this does not affect the strength of the Electromagnet, however).

Team17 description[]

Cquote1 Electro Magnets affects mines and any of the projectile weapons that are made from metal. They can have two states. Red Magnets pull (attract) weapons and Blue Magnets push (repel) weapons away. With the Electro Magnet equipped, it is possible to change the type of Electro Magnet your worm will drop by pressing the Set Button. Cquote2



After selecting the Electromagnet in the Weapons Panel, the player can either set it to attract or repel using the Set Button. Blue Electromagnets repel, while red Electromagnets attract. After setting the polarity, the player can drop it to his/her advantage.

Tips & Tricks[]

  • If you have a Holy Hand Grenade, consider placing an attractive Electromagnet because it makes aiming much easier. Note that it will bring out the countdown detonation because the Holy Hand Grenade is not stable.
  • You can use inactive/attractive Electromagnets to become an exploding weapon like the Sentry Gun. You can also use attractive Electromagnets to attract metal objects to enemy Worms, easy for a direct hit and more damage.
  • Use non-metal based weapons/utilities to destroy repelling Electromagnets. Use metal weapons and utilities to destroy attracting Electromagnets.
  • When two identical Electromagnets are placed in exactly the same spot, the power is doubled.
  • Electromagnets can be used to drag nearby Mines onto enemies that will explode once they are located close enough to a Worm.


  • By placing two Electromagnets together on opposite settings, you will create an "orbit".
  • Surprisingly, Electromagnets don't affect each other.
  • Electromagnets can attract and repel meteorites summoned via the Armageddon, despite them normally being made of stone and ice. This indicates that the meteorites in question are of the very rare kind that have a very high concentration of magnetic metals inside.

List of Metallic Weapons[]


Third Generation Weapons

Image:Navbox 3rd Gen.png|557px circle 54 206 45 Bazooka circle 142 209 45 Grenade circle 233 207 45 Ninja Rope circle 323 206 45 Fire Punch circle 415 207 45 Dynamite circle 503 209 45 Mine circle 595 207 45 Blow Torch circle 684 206 45 Worship circle 774 209 45 Air Strike circle 866 208 45 Bunker Buster circle 53 299 45 Homing Missile circle 143 298 45 Cluster Bomb circle 233 297 45 Jet Pack circle 325 297 45 Baseball Bat circle 416 299 45 Sheep circle 504 298 45 Super Sheep circle 594 298 45 Pneumatic Drill circle 686 297 45 Marked For Death circle 778 296 45 Napalm Strike circle 868 297 45 Super Bunker Buster circle 52 390 45 Shotgun circle 142 387 45 Petrol Bomb circle 233 388 45 Parachute circle 325 387 45 Dragon Ball circle 415 387 45 Sentry Gun circle 505 387 45 Electro Magnet circle 596 388 45 Girder circle 685 478 45 Invisibility circle 685 386 45 Steal circle 775 389 45 Poison Strike circle 866 387 45 Earthquake circle 54 479 45 Uzi circle 143 480 45 Holy Hand Grenade circle 235 478 45 Teleport circle 324 479 45 Prod circle 414 479 45 Concrete Donkey circle 505 478 45 Buffalo of Lies circle 595 478 45 Bridge Kit circle 775 478 45 Lightning Strike circle 866 478 45 Armageddon circle 53 569 45 Gas Pump circle 144 568 45 Banana Bomb circle 234 570 45 Emergency Teleport circle 324 569 45 Kamikaze circle 414 570 45 Termites circle 504 569 45 Ferrets circle 594 570 45 Skip Go circle 684 568 45 Surrender circle 472 357 45 Boomerang circle 234 536 45 Excavator
