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The Girder is a utility that appears in all Worms games. Using this utility will enable the player to place a metal Girder anywhere nearby.


The Girder is a long thin piece of metal platform that can be placed by the player anywhere nearby. Once placed, the Girder has no special properties over the rest of the terrain. It is usually used by players to make a piece of platform to prevent their Worms from slipping into the water, or to create pathways, but is most often used to protect the player's Worms from incoming threats, or block the opponent's Worms.

Wormopedia Entry[]

See also: Wormopedia
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The Girder can serve many functions in the natural habitat of our wriggly chappies.
The main use of the girder is to provide an excellent defence that will withstand one direct hit of the bazooka before leaving your Worms exposed.
The Girder is also used in situations where a simple A to B gap needs to be bridged, just remember though that a well-aimed shotgun explosion at the foot of the Worm stood upon the girder will send him hurtling down below.

Sometimes you find yourself in a situation where you have a Worm standing under an overhang at the edge of the landscape, so a grenade shot is definitely out of the question. If this happens, a well placed girder opposite your Worm can act as a rebounding mechanism to impress even the most acquitted of Worms players. Remember though, the grenade may need to be set to high bounce and high fuse to travel the distance required.



First Generation[]

In the First Generation of Worms games, the Girder can be placed near the user horizontally, vertically or diagonally. The length of the Girder can be doubled by rotating is 180 degrees.

Second Generation[]

In the Second Generation of Worms games, the Girder can also only be placed near the user. The difference over the First Generation is that the Girder can be placed on three different diagonal angles. The length can still be doubled by rotating the Girder 180 degrees.

Third Generation[]

Since the Third Generation of Worms games, the length of the Girder can no longer be changed.

Fourth Generation[]

In the Fourth Generation of Worms games, the Girder is no longer a normal piece of terrain. It can no longer be destroyed partially. It is either completely intact or completely destroyed. Damage to the Girder is indicated by the Girder getting a red colour.

The Scientist can place more stubborn Girders which can take more damage. Girders placed by the Scientist will have sparkles around them.


Once the Girder is selected, it can only be moved and placed. The length cannot be changed, except for Worms Forts: Under Siege, where Girders are square wooden platforms with a default size about the same as the top of a Tower, but they also have a much larger size which can be toggled.

Tips & Tricks[]

  • You can use the Girder to jump over a big gap.
  • Use the Girder as a defence from weapons. Be careful, that some weapons can even pierce through Girders easily such as the Bunker Buster and the Blow Torch, dealing your Worm some damage.
  • The Girder is usually limited, so spacing them out means you may not have to use as much of them, and since your Worm can jump, you usually won't be at risk of falling if you are careful.


  • In 2nd generation games, there was a glitch that allowed Girders to be placed over anything, even Worms. This was fixed in a beta update.
  • In the 3D games, the Girder has a much different shape. While the Girders appeared to be long and thin in the 2D games, they're much thicker in the 3D games.
  • In Worms 4: Mayhem and Worms: Ultimate Mayhem, there's an unchangeable limit to the amount of Girders that can be placed in one round, which is precisely 45 Girders. Once the limit is reached, the Girder can still be selected from the Weapon Panel, but no matter where you move it, it stays red, indicating that it cannot be placed anywhere. Regardless of who placed the Girders, no more can be placed by either players if 45 Girders are present in the round, and drowning or even destroying some of the Girders wouldn't let any of the players place more.
  • In Worms 3D, you can configure the size of the girder and what side it will face.

See Also[]


First Generation Weapons

Air StrikeBanana BombBazookaBlow TorchBungeeCluster BombDragon Ball
DynamiteFire PunchGirderGrenadeHoming MissileKamikazeMineMinigun
Ninja RopePneumatic DrillSheepShotgunSkip GoSurrenderTeleportUzi

Mole Bomb

Director's Cut
Baseball BatConcrete DonkeyGrenade LauncherHandgunHoly Hand Grenade
Homing PigeonMad CowsMail StrikeNuclear BombOld WomanPetrol Bomb
Priceless Ming VaseSheep StrikeSheep-on-a-RopeSuper Sheep

Second Generation Weapons
Jet PackLow GravityFast WalkLaser SightInvisibilityBazookaHoming MissileMortarHoming PigeonSheep LauncherGrenadeCluster BombBanana BombBattle AxeEarthquakeShotgunHandgunUziMinigunLongbowFire PunchDragon BallKamikazeSuicide BomberProdDynamiteMineSheepAqua SheepMole BombAir StrikeNapalm StrikeMail StrikeMine StrikeMole SquadronBlow TorchPneumatic DrillGirderBaseball BatGirder Starter PackNinja RopeBungeeParachuteTeleportScales of JusticeSuper Banana BombHoly Hand GrenadeFlame ThrowerSalvation ArmyMB BombPetrol BombSkunkPriceless Ming VaseFrench Sheep StrikeMike's Carpet BombMad CowsOld WomanConcrete DonkeyIndian Nuclear TestArmageddonSkip GoSurrenderSelect WormFreezePatsy's Magic BulletCrate ShowerCrate SpyDouble DamageDouble Turn TimeHoming Cluster BombHoming Air StrikeConfused Sheep StrikeCloned SheepNuclear BombGrenade LauncherSheep-on-a-RopeChainsawAbout this imageWeapon navbox
Third Generation Weapons

Image:Navbox 3rd Gen.png|557px circle 54 206 45 Bazooka circle 142 209 45 Grenade circle 233 207 45 Ninja Rope circle 323 206 45 Fire Punch circle 415 207 45 Dynamite circle 503 209 45 Mine circle 595 207 45 Blow Torch circle 684 206 45 Worship circle 774 209 45 Air Strike circle 866 208 45 Bunker Buster circle 53 299 45 Homing Missile circle 143 298 45 Cluster Bomb circle 233 297 45 Jet Pack circle 325 297 45 Baseball Bat circle 416 299 45 Sheep circle 504 298 45 Super Sheep circle 594 298 45 Pneumatic Drill circle 686 297 45 Marked For Death circle 778 296 45 Napalm Strike circle 868 297 45 Super Bunker Buster circle 52 390 45 Shotgun circle 142 387 45 Petrol Bomb circle 233 388 45 Parachute circle 325 387 45 Dragon Ball circle 415 387 45 Sentry Gun circle 505 387 45 Electro Magnet circle 596 388 45 Girder circle 685 478 45 Invisibility circle 685 386 45 Steal circle 775 389 45 Poison Strike circle 866 387 45 Earthquake circle 54 479 45 Uzi circle 143 480 45 Holy Hand Grenade circle 235 478 45 Teleport circle 324 479 45 Prod circle 414 479 45 Concrete Donkey circle 505 478 45 Buffalo of Lies circle 595 478 45 Bridge Kit circle 775 478 45 Lightning Strike circle 866 478 45 Armageddon circle 53 569 45 Gas Pump circle 144 568 45 Banana Bomb circle 234 570 45 Emergency Teleport circle 324 569 45 Kamikaze circle 414 570 45 Termites circle 504 569 45 Ferrets circle 594 570 45 Skip Go circle 684 568 45 Surrender circle 472 357 45 Boomerang circle 234 536 45 Excavator
