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The Napalm Strike is a weapon first appearing in Worms 2 . The Napalm Strike basically has the same effect of an Air Strike except just before striking the ground, the missiles explode and release a wave of burning napalm. Since the Napalm Strike generally has the same exact attack formation as a regular Air Strike (until its at a reasonable distance before detonation) it isn't effected by wind up until the missiles detonate. The Napalm Strike varies largely in damage depending on how much flame has caught the victim. Napalm Strike are very useful in areas with Explosive Barrels.


In essence, using the Napalm Strike is much like using an Air Strike: select the weapon, set the bombing-run direction (either from the left or right) and select a target.

Note that after the missiles detonate, the napalm will be affected by strong winds. You may have to 'lead' your target to compensate for the drift caused by the wind.

Likewise, the missiles can be repelled by Magnets, which may render your attack useless at best, and cause unintended collateral damage at worst.


The Napalm Strike appears in every Worms game following Worms 2, excluding the 3D games and W.M.D.


Second Generation Weapons
Jet PackLow GravityFast WalkLaser SightInvisibilityBazookaHoming MissileMortarHoming PigeonSheep LauncherGrenadeCluster BombBanana BombBattle AxeEarthquakeShotgunHandgunUziMinigunLongbowFire PunchDragon BallKamikazeSuicide BomberProdDynamiteMineSheepAqua SheepMole BombAir StrikeNapalm StrikeMail StrikeMine StrikeMole SquadronBlow TorchPneumatic DrillGirderBaseball BatGirder Starter PackNinja RopeBungeeParachuteTeleportScales of JusticeSuper Banana BombHoly Hand GrenadeFlame ThrowerSalvation ArmyMB BombPetrol BombSkunkPriceless Ming VaseFrench Sheep StrikeMike's Carpet BombMad CowsOld WomanConcrete DonkeyIndian Nuclear TestArmageddonSkip GoSurrenderSelect WormFreezePatsy's Magic BulletCrate ShowerCrate SpyDouble DamageDouble Turn TimeHoming Cluster BombHoming Air StrikeConfused Sheep StrikeCloned SheepNuclear BombGrenade LauncherSheep-on-a-RopeChainsawAbout this imageWeapon navbox

Third Generation Weapons
BazookaGrenadeNinja RopeFire PunchDynamiteMineBlow TorchWorshipAir StrikeBunker BusterHoming MissileCluster BombJet PackBaseball BatSheepSuper SheepPneumatic DrillMarked For DeathNapalm StrikeSuper Bunker BusterShotgunPetrol BombParachuteDragon BallSentry GunElectro MagnetGirderInvisibilityStealPoison StrikeEarthquakeUziHoly Hand GrenadeTeleportProdConcrete DonkeyBuffalo of LiesBridge KitLightning StrikeArmageddonGas PumpBanana BombEmergency TeleportKamikazeTermitesFerretsSkip GoSurrenderBoomerangExcavatorNavbox 3rd Gen
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