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The Petrol Bomb (also known as the Molotov Cocktail or simply Molotov) is a thrown explosive weapon, similar to the Grenade. Unlike a Grenade however, it explodes on impact, and scatters fire that lasts for a few turns after detonation. The flames fall in accordance with the angle of impact, but are also affected by wind.


Select the Petrol Bomb, adjust the Worm's aim, and hold the Fire Button to power up a throw, and release the Fire Button to lob the Petrol Bomb.


  • The Petrol Bomb should be used in areas where its initial explosion will not throw your victim clear of the ensuing flames. Enemies trapped in tunnels and craters make the best targets.

Tips & Tricks[]

  • Sometimes, because of the wind, the flames may travel up or down the walls of a previous circular explosion, which may provide extra damage. Keep this in mind when an opponent's Worm or one of your Worms are in a hole.
  • It will do up to 100 damage if you throw it correctly.


  • The bomb's impact is the weakest in the Worms series because it does up to 15 damage and makes really small explosions.
  • In Worms DC, the icon shows fire and a Molotov but in the other games, it shows the Molotov and the stuffed cloth at the top.
First Generation Weapons

Air StrikeBanana BombBazookaBlow TorchBungeeCluster BombDragon Ball
DynamiteFire PunchGirderGrenadeHoming MissileKamikazeMineMinigun
Ninja RopePneumatic DrillSheepShotgunSkip GoSurrenderTeleportUzi

Mole Bomb

Director's Cut
Baseball BatConcrete DonkeyGrenade LauncherHandgunHoly Hand Grenade
Homing PigeonMad CowsMail StrikeNuclear BombOld WomanPetrol Bomb
Priceless Ming VaseSheep StrikeSheep-on-a-RopeSuper Sheep

Second Generation Weapons
Jet PackLow GravityFast WalkLaser SightInvisibilityBazookaHoming MissileMortarHoming PigeonSheep LauncherGrenadeCluster BombBanana BombBattle AxeEarthquakeShotgunHandgunUziMinigunLongbowFire PunchDragon BallKamikazeSuicide BomberProdDynamiteMineSheepAqua SheepMole BombAir StrikeNapalm StrikeMail StrikeMine StrikeMole SquadronBlow TorchPneumatic DrillGirderBaseball BatGirder Starter PackNinja RopeBungeeParachuteTeleportScales of JusticeSuper Banana BombHoly Hand GrenadeFlame ThrowerSalvation ArmyMB BombPetrol BombSkunkPriceless Ming VaseFrench Sheep StrikeMike's Carpet BombMad CowsOld WomanConcrete DonkeyIndian Nuclear TestArmageddonSkip GoSurrenderSelect WormFreezePatsy's Magic BulletCrate ShowerCrate SpyDouble DamageDouble Turn TimeHoming Cluster BombHoming Air StrikeConfused Sheep StrikeCloned SheepNuclear BombGrenade LauncherSheep-on-a-RopeChainsawAbout this imageWeapon navbox
Third Generation Weapons
BazookaGrenadeNinja RopeFire PunchDynamiteMineBlow TorchWorshipAir StrikeBunker BusterHoming MissileCluster BombJet PackBaseball BatSheepSuper SheepPneumatic DrillMarked For DeathNapalm StrikeSuper Bunker BusterShotgunPetrol BombParachuteDragon BallSentry GunElectro MagnetGirderInvisibilityStealPoison StrikeEarthquakeUziHoly Hand GrenadeTeleportProdConcrete DonkeyBuffalo of LiesBridge KitLightning StrikeArmageddonGas PumpBanana BombEmergency TeleportKamikazeTermitesFerretsSkip GoSurrenderBoomerangExcavatorNavbox 3rd Gen
About this image