Worms Wiki

Rules are unofficial requirements set by players of certain unofficial Game Styles. These rules are generally implemented to ban methods of play that have been deemed too cheap and unfair to allow, or to regulate a game style with restrictions not implementable by only the game mechanics, such as Alt+F4.

Generally, players are expected to know and follow the game style's rules, if they exist. A player that don't know the scheme rules should ask what they are in game before the match starts. Depending on the game style, a player may have to say a specific rule, such as "StF" (Start to Finish) for Rope Race, in the chat before the game starts to confirm they know the rules, or else get kicked out to prevent interference from players who don't know the rules.

Example rules[]

  • In the Fort gamestyle, players are required to put their team's Worms somewhere on the fort they claimed, and not on any other fort.
  • Racing game styles require players to place all Worms on the starting location area, as it is blatant cheating and an unfair advantage to start further along on the course than the start. These styles also require the players to take the intended course from "Start to Finish" meaning they may not take any shortcuts not intended by the course creators.
  • Some games disallow players from attacking Worms on the team in last place (with the least amount of health). This rule is titled "All but Last."

Penalties for Rule Violators[]

Players who violate the rules are to undergo a punishment rule depending on the gamestyle. An example of a punishment rule is that a violating player must use Skip Go to lose a turn.

Kill the Cow[]

This rule is used as a last resort to punish players who clearly either are cheating by violating the rules on purpose, or are not following the correct punishment rules because they don't know the Game Style rules. Players are, under this rule, allowed to freely kill off cheaters in this manner not needing to follow the normal rules of the game style to do so.

Players who violate the game rules completely are called cows.
