Worms Wiki
Worms Wiki

The second generation of Worms games evolved the games in the into having a cartoon art style as its baseline, and introduced online play as a main part of the Worms series. The first second generation game was Worms 2 in 1997, and the latest unique game was Worms World Party in 2001, which was last released as Worms World Party Remastered in 2015.

Worms 2[]

Main article: Worms 2

Worms 2 is the first sequel to the Worms series. It was first released in 1997, two years after the original Worms game. It was the first Worms game to offer a cartoonish style and online play.

Worms Armageddon[]

Main article: Worms Armageddon

Worms Armageddon was first released in 1999, Many fans consider it to be the most successful game in the series. The game is still actively being played on WormNET.

Worms World Party[]

Worms world party
Main article: Worms World Party

Worms World Party is the third and last Worms game of the second generation. It was originally planned to be an expansion pack for Worms Armageddon, but Team17 later decided to make it a stand-alone game, when they decided to make an online Worms game for Sega Dreamcast. This makes it quite similar to Worms Armageddon.

Worms Series
First Generation WormsWorms ReinforcementsWorms UnitedWorms: The Directors Cut
Second Generation Worms 2Worms Armageddon (Anniversary Edition) • Worms World Party (Remastered)
Third Generation Worms Open WarfareWormsWorms Open Warfare 2Worms: A Space OddityWorms 2: ArmageddonWorms ReloadedWorms Battle Islands
Fourth Generation Worms RevolutionWorms Clan WarsWorms 3Worms Battlegrounds
Latest Games Worms 4Worms W.M.D
3D Variants Worms 3DWorms Forts: Under SiegeWorms 4: MayhemWorms: Ultimate Mayhem
Spin-Offs Worms PinballWorms BlastWorms Battle Rally (cancelled) • Worms Crazy GolfWorms on Facebook (closed) • FlockersWorms Rumble