Worms Wiki
Worms Wiki
Worms Armageddon Team Editor

The team creator in Worms Armageddon.

Teams are an important part of the Worms series gameplay. All Worms in a game are put in a team during gameplay. Teams of the same color are considered to be part of an allied group or alliance and should not eliminate themselves, while teams of colors not matching yours are enemies that need to be eliminated for your ally group to win.


Teams have been customizable on some level starting with the first Worms game. Generally, the team name as well as the name of each Worm can be given a separate name by the user. In later games the customization was extended, with elements such as a gravestone, team flag, team anthem, and team Worm speech bank/voice. Some games allow changing the team's preferred super weapon, the selection of weapons the team starts out with in Points for Weapons mode, and a customizable Team Weapon. Later games would allow customization of the appearance of the Worms themselves, including wearing hats and clothing, as well as trinkets.
