Worms Wiki
Worms Wiki

Concept art

The Whoopee Cushion is a 4th Generation weapon. It works like the Gas Canister from the 3D games, except that it emits gas every time it bounces. When it stops moving, a Grenade-like explosion occurs. With the Whoopee Cushion, you can cover a bigger area, and poison Worms on different parts of the landscape. So far, the Whoopee Cushion has only appeared in Worms Clan Wars and Worms Battlegrounds.

Fourth Generation Weapons

Boggy BCrate StrikeKnock-OutTelekinesisTeleshieldTeleswapUFOWater Bomb
Water PistolWater PlugWater Strike

Clan Wars/Battlegrounds
Aqua PackEqualiserGravediggerMega MortarOxygenTeleport GunWhoopsie Cushion
Winged Monkey
