Worms Wiki

Worms: The Directors Cut is the largest and final expansion pack of the original Worms game. It was released exclusively for the Amiga in 1997. The game is an updated version of the original Amiga version, with various enhancements, additions and tweaks. Although it was very well received by fans, only 5,000 copies of the game were sold worldwide.

Differences from the Original[]

Worms: The Directors Cut enhanced the engine, graphics and game-play of the original Worms, various new features got added in, such as the ability to perform a back-flip, new weapons, and a level editor. Other features include:

  • Over 300 colours on-screen including 70 sky and 40 water colours.
  • Super-smooth quarter pixel scrolling.
  • 9 level parallax scrolling (including 2 layers of mountains).
  • 14 new weapons - Such as the Holy Hand Grenade, Mad Cows, and more.
  • Level editor for Workbench.
  • New level types/custom levels.
  • Wormbench - Themes for customising Workbench.
  • DIY Landscape - Draw your own or alter standard graphics.
  • Graffiti Mode - Worms inbuilt level editor, unlimited level design.
  • Cavern Levels - Put a roof on backgrounds.

Weapons & Utilities[]

Worms: The Directors Cut introduced a lot of weapons that would be feature staples in the series in later games, such as the Grenade Launcher, Super Sheep, Old Woman, Mad Cows, and the future deity of the Lightside, the Concrete Donkey.

Weapons in bold text are new to Worms: The Directors Cut.


  • The Mole Bomb is the only weapon to not return from Worms Reinforcements.
  • All of the weapons in the game except the Sheep-on-a-Rope return in Worms 2. The Grenade Launcher does return in said game, but it has been renamed to the Mortar.
    • The Sheep-on-a-Rope does not appear again until Worms W.M.D.
  • If a Worm on a team is named "Jesus", they will be able to walk, jump, and land on water without drowning. However, they can still drown if they fall into the water outside of jumping.

External links[]

Worms Series
First Generation WormsWorms ReinforcementsWorms UnitedWorms: The Directors Cut
Second Generation Worms 2Worms Armageddon (Anniversary Edition) • Worms World Party (Remastered)
Third Generation Worms Open WarfareWormsWorms Open Warfare 2Worms: A Space OddityWorms 2: ArmageddonWorms ReloadedWorms Battle Islands
Fourth Generation Worms RevolutionWorms Clan WarsWorms 3Worms Battlegrounds
Latest Games Worms 4Worms W.M.D
3D Variants Worms 3DWorms Forts: Under SiegeWorms 4: MayhemWorms: Ultimate Mayhem
Spin-Offs Worms PinballWorms BlastWorms Battle Rally (cancelled) • Worms Crazy GolfWorms on Facebook (closed) • FlockersWorms Rumble