Worms Wiki
Worms Wiki

Worms Pinball is pinball game developed by Team17. It was originally part of Addiction Pinball, which also featured a table based on World Rally Fever (a 1996 racing game for MS-DOS). The PlayStation version of Worms Pinball was released only in Europe, with cover art from Worms Armageddon. The PC version was included in the The Full Wormage Collection.

The table is based on the first generation Worms games, with animations and sounds from the first game playing in the scoreboard. There are five camera angle options, including a vertical screen mode. One of the missions includes guiding the Super Sheep with the flippers.

A Dreamcast Version Was Canceled


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Worms Series
First Generation WormsWorms ReinforcementsWorms UnitedWorms: The Directors Cut
Second Generation Worms 2Worms Armageddon (Anniversary Edition) • Worms World Party (Remastered)
Third Generation Worms Open WarfareWormsWorms Open Warfare 2Worms: A Space OddityWorms 2: ArmageddonWorms ReloadedWorms Battle Islands
Fourth Generation Worms RevolutionWorms Clan WarsWorms 3Worms Battlegrounds
Latest Games Worms 4Worms W.M.D
3D Variants Worms 3DWorms Forts: Under SiegeWorms 4: MayhemWorms: Ultimate Mayhem
Spin-Offs Worms PinballWorms BlastWorms Battle Rally (cancelled) • Worms Crazy GolfWorms on Facebook (closed) • FlockersWorms Rumble